Prof. Sharipov Shavkat Safarovich, Rector, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan visited Kathmandu University

Prof. Sharipov Shavkat Safarovich, Rector, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan visited Kathmandu University on March 20, 2025. During the visit, Prof. Safarovich met with the newly appointed Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Achyut Wagle, and discussed various areas of academic exchange and collaboration.
MoU Signing between IIT Patna and KU

MoU Signing between Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna and Kathmandu University, on 14th of December in the presence of Vice- Chancellor Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa and Prof. T.N. Singh, Director of IIT Patna
Australian Catholic University in Nepal

The delegated of Australian Catholic University(ACU), an MoU partner of Kathmandu University visited us on November 19, 2024. A fruitful discussion on potential collaboration and academic opportunities was held in the presence of KU officials. Dean of School of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Manish Pokharel visited ACU past this year.
Visit from Austrian Officials

On October 25, 2024, Gerti Bauer, Reinhard Bauer and Ursula Maurk from University College of Teacher Education in Vienna, Austria visited Kathmandu University. They discussed potential collaborations between their university and School of Education of Kathmandu University.
ERASMUS Roadshow

The European Union organized the ERASMUS Roadshow on Tuesday, 3 September 2024. This event informed students about educational opportunities and resources offered by the European Union through its scholarship program Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree. The event was addressed by Prof. Dr. Achyut Wagle, Registrar and Mr. Thomas Millar, Chargé d’affaires a.i., Deputy Head of Delegation, European Union.
Delegates from IIT- Indore visit KU

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indore visited Kathmandu University on 3 September 2024, for an interaction on collaboration between the two institutions. The seven-member delegation was led by Prof. Dr. Suhas S. Joshi, Director of IIT Indore.
KU has already established joint-degree programs with IIT-Hyderabad and IIT-Madras.
Interaction with Beijing Foreign Studies University Council

On 10 April 2024, a delegation led by Prof. Dr. Wang Dinghua, Chairman of Beijing Foreign Studies University Council, engaged in fruitful interaction at Kathmandu University to promote academic partnership between the two esteemed institutions through student exchange, faculty exchange, scholarly research, administrative cooperation and joint research in areas of common interest. Possible cooperation involving initiatives was discussed.
Interaction with University of Louisiana Lafayettee, USA

On 3 April 2024, Dr. Sonya Hsu an Associate Professor and Program coordinator of Informatics form University of Louisiana Lafayettee, USA visited Kathmandu University to explore possible future collaborations between the two Institutions.
Delegates from Cankiri Karatekin University, Turkey

A 3-member delegation from Cankiri Karatekin University, Turkey led by Prof. Dr. Muhammed Nuri ONER, Forestry Engineering, Dean of the Faculty meets KU officials and discusses the various issues including possible collaboration in the future. Other members of the delegation are Head of the International Relations Office/Asst. Prof. of Labour Economics And Industrial Relations Dr. Şuayip TURAN, and Asst. Prof. of Forestry Engineering Dr. Semih EDİŞ.
Interaction with Dr. Claudius Preville

An interaction with Dr. Claudius Preville, Team Leader/Investment Facility Director of EU-Nepal Trade and Investment Program Investment Support Facility (ISF) and his team to explore collaboration possibilities in the future. Organizing green and circular economy related campaigns involving KU’s students and faculties in the area were the major agendas of the meeting.
Visit by Ms. Pauline Mak

On the 17th of March 2023, Miss Pauline Mak, a distinguished Chinese teacher from Malaysia, had the honor of visiting Kathmandu University in Dhulikhel, Nepal. Her visit was motivated by a desire to expand her knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the Confucius Institute and the state of Chinese education in Nepal.
Welcoming New Members at the Board of Trustees (BoT)

A meeting of Board of Trustees (BoT) of KU welcomed new members–Mr. Neelesh Man Singh Pradhan & Mr. Sanjay Shah are newly appointed and Mr. Bel Prasad Shrestha is reappointed in BoT. On the sideline of the BoT meeting, the Global Engagement Division(GED) of VC Office shared its ‘international plan’ inviting feedback not only from BoT members but also from Deans, Associate Deans, Directors, etc.
Interaction with Xizang Minzu University

An interaction between Kathmandu University and Xizang Minzu University (formerly known as the Tibet Public School, and renamed Xizang Minzu College in 1965 and Xizang Minzu University in 2015) China to explore future collaboration between two Universities.
Delegates visit KU

Two delegates (from Japan Foundation and Queensland) visited Kathmandu University on Feb 09, 2023
Visit by Dr. Pradeep K. Kapur

Visit by Dr. Pradeep K. Kapur, Former Ambassador and Secretary, Government of India on 2 February 2023
AIT MOU Renewal 2022

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Other Significant Events
H. E. MR. VOSITA VORASAPH, ambassador and MS. UTOOMPORN AMPAIVIT, Chargé d’Affaires Kingdom of Thailand to Nepal visits Kathmandu University.
H. E. MR. VOSITA VORASAPH, ambassador and MS. UTOOMPORN AMPAIVIT, Chargé d’Affaires Kingdom of Thailand to Nepal visits Kathmandu University.
H. E. MR. VOSITA VORASAPH, ambassador and MS. UTOOMPORN AMPAIVIT, Chargé d’Affaires Kingdom of Thailand to Nepal visits Kathmandu University.
H. E. MR. VOSITA VORASAPH, ambassador and MS. UTOOMPORN AMPAIVIT, Chargé d’Affaires Kingdom of Thailand to Nepal visits Kathmandu University.
H. E. MR. VOSITA VORASAPH, ambassador and MS. UTOOMPORN AMPAIVIT, Chargé d’Affaires Kingdom of Thailand to Nepal visits Kathmandu University.
H. E. MR. VOSITA VORASAPH, ambassador and MS. UTOOMPORN AMPAIVIT, Chargé d’Affaires Kingdom of Thailand to Nepal visits Kathmandu University.
Talk Program on the Relevance of Dr. Ambedkar in the Constitutionalism Debate in Nepal
Talk Program on the Relevance of Dr. Ambedkar in the Constitutionalism Debate in Nepal
Talk Program on the Relevance of Dr. Ambedkar in the Constitutionalism Debate in Nepal
Talk Program on the Relevance of Dr. Ambedkar in the Constitutionalism Debate in Nepal
Talk Program on the Relevance of Dr. Ambedkar in the Constitutionalism Debate in Nepal
Talk Program on the Relevance of Dr. Ambedkar in the Constitutionalism Debate in Nepal
Talk Program on the Relevance of Dr. Ambedkar in the Constitutionalism Debate in Nepal
Talk Program on the Relevance of Dr. Ambedkar in the Constitutionalism Debate in Nepal
23 June 2021: Online meeting with delegates of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, for possible future Collaborations
23 June 2021: Online meeting with delegates of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, for possible future Collaborations
11 June 2021: Courtesy Meeting of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Bhola Thapa, with EU Ambassador, H.E. Mrs. Nona Deprez
11 June 2021: Courtesy Meeting of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Bhola Thapa, with EU Ambassador, H.E. Mrs. Nona Deprez
11 June 2021: Courtesy Meeting of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Bhola Thapa, with EU Ambassador, H.E. Mrs. Nona Deprez
11 June 2021: Courtesy Meeting of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Bhola Thapa, with EU Ambassador, H.E. Mrs. Nona Deprez